2023年3月16日 星期四


照片人物是美國前大法官William Rehnquist,譯音:威廉·倫奎斯特。
維基(註1)寫:他一生是W. S. Gilbert和Arthur Sullivan的歌劇迷,由於喜歡Iolanthe這部歌劇,
而且,他常將Iolanthe經典台詞(註2,極小更動)掛在嘴邊,I did nothing in particular,
and I did it very well,中譯:我什麼都沒做,在這一點上我做得非常好(註3)。


Leadership of the Court
Rehnquist added four yellow stripes to the sleeves of his robe in 1995
A lifelong fan of Gilbert and Sullivan operas, 
he liked the Lord Chancellor's costume in a community theater production of Iolanthe, 
and thereafter appeared in court with the same striped sleeves. 
(The Lord Chancellor was traditionally the senior member of the British judiciary.)
His successor, Chief Justice John Roberts, chose not to continue the practice.[

 When Wellington thrashed Bonaparte, As every child can tell, 
 The House of Peers, throughout the war, Did nothing in particular, And did it very well
 Yet Britain set the world ablaze In good King George's glorious days!

2. Bad News, John Roberts Will Not Wear a Striped Robe for Trump’s Impeachment Trial 
Chief Justice William Rehnquist wore stripes on the sleeves of his robe, as he had since 1995, 
during Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial. The embellishments were inspired by the 
“one worn by the Lord Chancellor in a local production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Iolanthe,” 
the Times explained at the time.

Reinquist’s choice to wear his standard, gold-striped robe was among the most consequential 
decisions he made at the trial. As he later put, quoting Iolanthe, 
“I did nothing in particular, and I did it very well.”

而倫奎斯特大法官(William Rehnquist)就是個相反的智者,
他有一句話就講得特別好:我什麼都沒做,在這一點上我做得非常好 。 
( I did nothing in particular and I did it very well ) 。